Friday, September 19, 2008

Crazy Bag Lady

Yesterday, Anna Cate and I were going through her smaller clothes to see what we could find for her friend Mason to wear this winter.  She found this hat and sweater and wanted to put them on.  I obliged and helped her with the sweater, but the hat she put on with no problem by herself. ;) I let her walk around with them on for a few minutes, and then asked her if she was ready to take them off and put them back into the bag, but she shook her head and continued to wear them for the rest of the afternoon, even on our afternoon walk down our street.  You wouldn't believe some of the looks I got from people driving by in their cars.  Yes, I was slightly embarrassed, but it was too funny not to just laugh out loud at the absurdity of her emsemble.  

Anytime somebody would try and help her take them off, she would shake her head "no."  When Will got home, he took one look at her and dubbed her the "Crazy Bag Lady." Maybe we don't have to worry about finding a Halloween costume this year! 


Reece said...

When Mason is a bigger girl she will definitely have to sport this ensemble. I love it. Crafty little chick mama needs to make her a button that says "I dressed myself today!"

Jess said...

she is so stinkin cute!