Thursday, April 23, 2009

On pretty days, Anna Cate loves to sit at the door to our back deck when she wakes up from her nap to eat her afternoon snack.  I'm usually washing dishes or prepping dinner.  

This particular afternoon, I happened to look over and saw she had set up her little friends to join her.  She was engaged in a conversation with all of them.   I LOVE watching her imagination grow and develop.  It takes me back to my own childhood and I remember how real my toys and "adventures" seemed to me back then.  A great imagination is truly a gift of childhood to be cherished and protected!


Debra Dele said...

So sweet! It makes me a little sad to remember how real my imagination made everything seem, but brings a smile to my face to remember everything that we used to pretend and the adventures that we would have! I know you're going to love watching Anna Cate and her new brother or sister spend time together and become totally engrossed in a different world like we did. Love you!

Home Team said...
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Home Team said...

MC-I have been meaning to write you a note, and last time I tried I could not figure out how to make the message from me and not our blogspot!! And just tried again and still haven't figured it out!! Anyway...thank for the congrats and congrats on your 2nd baby! Since Mollie had a page I have been keeping up with you, Will and Anna Cate and have enjoyed watching her grow! She is adoreable! Hope all is well with you and the last days of your pregnancy go well. Tell Will hello!